In this series of blog posts, l will share practical ways to raise your energy vibrations through each of the 7 Levels of your Aura. Do you want to make sure you get all the articles on How to Raise Your Energy Vibration?If you aren't on my email list yet, click here to get them all direct to your inbox. I'll also send you my Free Aura Checklist so you can assess your health according to the 7 Levels of your energy field. Why would you want to raise your vibrations? In the world of energy, like attracts like, so if you want to draw in positive, pleasurable, uplifting experiences and energy exchanges, getting your own vibes clear, positive, and shiny will accomplish that. Your energy expresses differently on each of the 7 Levels of your Aura. I'll write one article for each level so you can digest it slowly and implement. Your Etheric Body is the energy dimension of your Aura closest to your physical body. It extends out 1-2” from your skin, and interpenetrates into every cell. It is a structured level, meaning if you could see it, it appears as blue lines of light in a gridwork tracing all your anatomical structures, and your chakras on this level. Light and consciousness AS SENSATION zip along the lines of light. You feel pleasure or pain. This energy body can be either excessive or deficient. EXCESS energy in the Etheric Body generates chaos and ungroundedness. If there is too much heightened energy zipping around here you will be hyper, tense, and over-stimulated. In my work with trauma resolution, FLIGHT and FIGHT responses activate intense fear and anger charge here; your body mobilizes all its physical energy to fight off a threat or run away from it. Trauma gets installed in your system--body/biology and energy field--when that button gets punched but the energy is prevented from fully running its course to discharge and return you to rest and regulation. The result of this pent-up energy? SYMPTOMS. They can be unique to each person and may include: anxiety, tension, pain, headaches, sleep interruption, hyper-vigilance, digestive upset, inability to relax. What else Over-Stimulates your Etheric Body?
If your Etheric Body is DEFICIENT your energy vibrations are low and you will feel tired, listless, unmotivated, heavy, and possibly depressed. The emotion of depression is hanging out on the level of your Emotional Body-Level 2. (I'll talk about that in two weeks.) The physical expression of it on your 1st Level is very low energy. In trauma resolution work, this may also be the presentation of a FREEZE response. When fight and flight don't work and you can't escape or defend against the threat or overwhelm, your activation gets so heightened you freeze. In some cases, your energy will then collapse into the low energy or depression state, or dissociation and spaciness. What else drags your Etheric Body vibrations down?
Ok! Let's work on getting the balance and health back in your Etheric Body and your energy vibrations higher but not hyper; we want coherence and vibrancy!
Do you need direct work on your energy field to repair, recharge, and balance it for greater health? Do you have stress, over-stimulation & trauma stuck in your system? (Um...all human beings do actually...whether from shock trauma, or developmental trauma). Let's work together. Here's how. Have a friend who suffers from low energy, heavy emotions or depression? Why not share this email with her, or post it in your Facebook feed? Thanks! I want to help more women access their awesome. Share to Facebook Share with a Friend Next Post: |
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