A week or so ago, I found myself driving around in my car listening to the radio. I get bored of hourly news on the CBC, or pop music sometimes, so I flipped around on the radio until I found a country western station.
I’m not so into twang, but I have to say sometimes the lyric stories are really great. This particular day there was song after song of some man doing right by his woman: how he admired her in that dress and wanted to dance with her all night; how he wasn’t the kinda guy to leave her in the lurch; how he was the kind of cowboy who wanted to buy a house with her. Noble, romantic stuff. The kinda stuff any single woman lookin’ for more than a fling longs to hear. I found myself thinking...gee, I wouldn’t mind if some guy said those things to me. In fact my heart is kind of longing for those words. Later that day, I did a Craniosacral Therapy (CST) exchange with a colleague. I found myself drawn to working on her neck and throat and also asked if she could work on the neck tension I have. As she worked on me, I dropped into that lovely “gone” space of deep relaxation and integration so characteristic of a CST session: brain off and drifting. When my consciousness resurfaced near then end, like coming up from underwater, I had one of those “a-ha” moments of insight that is often the gift of a nap, dream time or a CST treatment. I was very aware of a place of tension in the centre of my throat, and “took a look” inside my body energetically to see what was up in the throat chakra. I realized that I did need the nourishment of more words of appreciation, affection, and admiration. The front of the throat chakra expresses our deepest, most heartfelt (literally energy coming up from the heart chakra below) truths. We express this through words, symbols, song, sound, communication. This expression is the outward flow of energy, and very healthy. We also need to voice our needs, and ask for what we want. Lies and secrets are the unhealthy distortion of this energy, or holding back and not really saying. The truth literally does set us free here. We also receive through the throat. Physical nourishment through our mouth; the nourishment of other’s words towards us on an energetic level. So yes, we really do need to hear the words in those country songs that we long to hear. Especially, I think there is a place in a woman’s heart, and a hunger in her throat to be romanced, and to really be the apple of someone’s eye. Men often hunger more to hear words of respect, an affirmation of their honour. So, partnerless for the moment, I decided to nourish myself and go home, look in the mirror and tell myself some of those things my throat is hungry for. You may wish to try this too. “You’re the best dang woman I ever laid eyes on!” • Do you receive enough of this nourishment? • Do you offer appreciation to others? Is this hard or easy? • Does it feel easy to truly speak what your heart is feeling, or your eyes are seeing (sixth chakra above the throat)? • Was it easy to express how you were feeling growing up? How is it now? If you want to explore more deeply what is going on in your Throat Chakra, as well as the other 6 chakras, I would love for you to join me in Chakra Healing I : a 7 week journey to explore connecting with and feeling your own chakras. Full workshop details and fees here. |