How do you create? How does your soul or divine essence express into the material world? Through the 7 Levels of your Aura. Your spark of Divine Essence, which Barbara Brennan observed and named your Core Star, desires to connect, create, know itself. It upwells and begins to expand. Then it routes itself down through your Hara Line, the dimension of intentionality and your alignment with your LIfe Purpose. (I do direct healing work on this Level which I call Life Purpose Align healing). Next it percolates down through the 7 Levels of your Aura. Level 7: The level of Divine Mind and your core beliefs and images about reality. Positive Beliefs lead to positive creations. Distorted beliefs (usually unconscious)...produce what you expect. Level 6: Your creative impulse is infused with Inspiration and Divine Love. It is blissful to create! Level 5: You align your creation with Divine Will through the Etheric Template-the perfect form, the word, your will. Or you don't align...and distortion in form is created. Level 4: You move into relationship. Who will benefit from your creation? Who do you need to partner with? Can you infuse it with Heart? Level 3: At the Mental Body, you think clearly about what you want to create, you intuit it coming forth. Your sense of identity and positive ego will empower it! Self-esteem and self-respect required. Level 2: You feel. How does your creation birthing make you feel about yourself? Do you hate it, judge it? Do you love it, savour it? Level 1: It's coming into physical form now. Physical: Just do it! You take the action, or bring forth the creative project. You see/experience what you have created and it reflects back to you more of your individuated Essence...or the perfect mirror of where distortions have been infused so you can see, learn and grow. This is the UNFOLDING of your Light. What happens when your Light gets stuck along the way? Expansion should feel good. It should be pleasurable, fun, purposeful, and inspiring. But maybe you have had experiences where what you brought forth on your creative wave was not welcomed. Or it was judged, rejected, co-opted, manipulated, or just not seen and received. Few of us have been fully received on a Soul level. When I HOLD THE STATE OF BEING: UNFOLDING for you in a True Nature Energy Healing treatment, I can help your light remember how good it feels to shine, expand and express. Creative blocks can dissolve. Distortions in your creating can be discovered and healed. Would you like to experience being bathed in a STATE OF BEING? Book a True Nature Energy healing treatment with Shelley.