I've been feeling these colour vibes showering into my field, or I've found myself longing to lift up and access them, seeking this light intentionally. When this colour phenomenon happens in my life, I've learned it's a sign that I'm being invited to embody, embrace, and entrain a bandwidth of light that is wanting to teach me and macerate me in a new frequency. When my sexuality blossomed at age 22, I couldn't wear enough fuchsia, red and orange (first and second chakra). I even wore fuchsia and red together! About 7 years ago I went through an indigo phase and was wearing indigo, purple and royal blue as much as I could (sixth chakra). What is the consciousness of Gold? In my last 2 articles about the beautiful ways of navigating our light bodies I learned at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, I spoke about a technique we learned in Year 2 called HOLD STATES OF BEING. There are 5 STATES OF BEING we learned:
When I hold TRUTH, I hold you in the 3rd and 7th Levels of your Aura together. The beautiful golden structure of your 7th Level, Divine Mind, uplifts, supports and aligns your Mental body on the 3rd Level into a state of TRUTH. Your rational mind, intuitive mind, and experience of Divine Mind all animate in harmony. This is the aim of the STATE OF BEING called TRUTH & WISDOM. It is a combination of the 3rd and 7th level of your aura. The 3rd Level of your Aura is your Mental Body. To perceive it visually with High Sense Perception, it appears as structured lines of standing light...which are all yellow! It extends out about 8" to 1 foot from your skin. (Don't forget each level of your Aura also penetrates into your body, right down to your cellular level). On this level, thinking takes place. If you are predominantly full of positive thoughts, it will be bright, charged and a nice lemon yellow. If there are a lot of negative thoughts, it can be heavier, the lines more dense and mustard coloured. Distorted thoughts that are not Truth, create distortion patterns in the lines of light. Health here does not mean you can never have a negative thought! Impossible! It means when you become conscious that negative thoughts are arising, you allow yourself to witness them, find out where you developed those beliefs, and transform them to more positive ones. It can be sticky work, because the emotional levels above and below the Mental Body (Astral Body and Emotional Body) can get stuck on your thoughts and influence them greatly! For this reason, changing your beliefs and thoughts to more positive ones involves both identifying clearly what the thought is, and allowing the negative feelings and fears to arise, flow, transform, and clear. The Higher expression of your Mental Body, 3rd Level, is your Ketheric Template, 7th Level. It is the level of Divine Mind (wow!) and a template for the yellow lines on the 3rd Level. It appears as very fine, high frequency lines of resilient GOLD! The doorway into this level is your 7th chakra, your direct channel to Grace, your Divine and White light. A-ha! That is why I have been feeling so much Gold & White energy lately. This level of my Aura is being infused and uplifted more. Thank you Holy Spirit. How do I hold this STATE OF BEING: TRUTH & WISDOM during a healing treatment? When I attune my field to both your Mental Body, 3rd Level, and Ketheric Template, 7th Level, we can uplift your mental thoughts to be inspired by the higher mind of Divine Light, or the higher frequencies of Wisdom, Serenity, and Perspective held on your 7th level. Have you ever felt this when you were receiving a teaching from an Elder? It's like they are thinking and seeing things in a whole other way that you never 'thought' of. Elders naturally begin to add more of these high level vibrations to their field as they are called to hold a higher frequency and embodiment of Wisdom for their people. Indigenous peoples worldwide recognize their Elders as the most precious gold they have...on top of what lies at the bottom end in the root chakra...their relationship with the Earth. Very unfortunately, few olders in our culture become elders because they have not gone through the initiations that once used to be available in our spiritual traditions or done the personal work necessary to mature the younger consciousness within them. They are still wrestling with issues that were meant to be resolved in their 20's, 30's, 40's and 50's. Wrestling with the wounds of your history CONSCIOUSLY is wise. Acting out from unresolved life issues UNCONSCIOUSLY, is really difficult for those you are in relationship with! Would you like to experience being bathed in a STATE OF BEING? Book a True Nature Energy healing treatment with Shelley.Stick around for next post when I will talk about how I HOLD STATES of BEING: UNFOLDING. Read the first post which lists all 18 Healing Techniques I speak about in this blog series. Do you know someone who could use a dose of TRUTH & WISDOM? Share this article with a friend. Or encourage them to subscribe to the weekly post by forwarding them this link: http://www.truenaturehealing.ca/sign-up.html.