This week I will describe to you the Energy Healing Technique I learned at the BBSH called the 7th LEVEL CLOSE. It makes the protective outer shell of your aura, which is your 7th Level, stronger. It is typcially done at the closing of an Energy Healing treatment after the6th Level Uplift, which I described last week. First of all, what is the Ketheric Template? In Barbara Brennan's model of the Human Energy Field, there are 7 layers or dimensions to your Aura. So the 7th Level is the highest band of frequency and expands out the furthest around your about 3'-4'. As all the layers below, it also interpenetrates your body right down to the cellular and molecular level. It is the level of Divine Mind. Wow...what is that? It is a wonderfully elevated state of consciousness where we can see the whole perspective of our life within the "big picture". Attuning the this level can feel similar to being on a high mountaintop, where the air is clear and thin, and you can see the entire panoramic view below. How do you feel when you have this kind of perspective? When this level of your field is strong, you will feel elevated, clear headed, and like your life makes sense. You have a sense that all the small things you do are contributing to the larger purpose...which of course is the unfolding of your consciousness and light through growth and expansion. When this level of your field is weak, you can feel invaded, depressed, and stuck in the lower levels where there is no way to connect what may be unfolding in your life with the big picture so it makes sense. Damage in your Ketheric Template can mean a weak boundary. The whole level may be undercharged and diminished, or there can actually be holes and gaps in your field. No wonder it feels like everyone just walks right through you! How to Strengthen your Boundary: the 7th Level Close After the 6th Level Uplift, which nourishes your Celestial Body or 6th Level of your field, we were taught at the BBSH to finish our healing treatments by closing the egg shaped 7th Level which contains the entire Auric Field. To work on this level of your field I need to raise my own vibrations to the bandwidth contained on the 7th level. It is very high frequency energy! You will usually hear me breathe a lot, very vigorously to get there. Once I am expanded enough to meet you there, I find and contact the boundary of your aura with my fingertips. I allow tendrils of gold light to flow through my fingers and knit up weak areas in your aura. I trace the boundary of your 7th Level and allow the gold light to encircle you, and finally close up your egg, and step out of your field. Now I hand your healing process back over to you and your Higher Self. You will feel expanded into this range of consciousness. It may feel like serenity, an uplifted perspective, elation, divine grace. Mental thinking tends to become suspended. You may be surprised how it can take a few minutes to come back to a more normal waking state of consciousness after I have worked on your 6th and 7th levels. A Simple Meditation to Strengthen your own 7th Level. I had the honour of doing this technique with a client the other day. To my surprise, when I contacted her 7th Level, it was full of white-gold light and very expanded, rather than the usual yellow-gold I am used to seeing. This client has had a meditation practice for some time, and I suspect this is the reason her Ketheric Template was so beautiful! Meditation is one of the ways you can strengthen your own 7th Level. A very specific form of meditation to strengthen your 7th Level is to repeat the mantra "Be still and Know that I am God". See where it takes you. Would you like to experience an Energy Healing with Shelley where she will close with a 7th LEVEL CLOSE? Book a 1-hour Energy Healing treatment with Shelley which includes a 7th LEVEL CLOSE from September 11-September 17 for $125 rather than $150/hr. If you have already been in to see me for any of the previous techniques I've spoken about, you can come each week if you like and experience the "technique of the week" for $125. I'll apply the $25 discount when we see each other for your appointment! Stick around for next week's post when I will talk about the AURA HEALING FROM CORE STAR healing. Read the first post which lists all 18 Healing Techniques I will speak about in this blog series. Read last weeks post about the 6th Level Uplift called: BATHING in DIVINE LOVE Do you know one or two people who struggle with feeling like they pick up others energy or emotions? Share this article with a friend. Or encourage them to subscribe to the weekly post by forwarding them this link: The 3 chapter FREE workbook will give them many, many ways to begin to strengthen their own energy field.