The first hands-on healing we learned was called a CHELATION. The word "chelation" comes from Greek and means 'to claw'. The purpose of a Chelation healing is to drag old stale energy out of the field and refresh it with clean vitalized energy from the Universal Energy Field. People always ask me if I get drained as a healer. No! Why? Because I am not channeling my personal energy to you. I learned to open up my field and chakras to allow energy from the Universal Energy Field to pass through me to you. Doing energy healing work is very blissful and energizing. I can still be tired at the end of a day of clients, because it is also like doing both exercise and meditation. It's refreshing, but 4 hours a day is enough! I feel uplifted, purposeful and happy after a day of treatments. Chelation is somewhat like a Reiki treatment if you have ever had one. (I took Reiki workshops and practiced a lot before I discovered the BBSH existed.) I lay my hands gently on the body...though Brennan healers start from the feet, not the head as Reiki is taught. As I allow energy to flow into your field we help to build your energy from the ground up. I allow energy to flow through your feet, ankles, knees, hips, and then move my hands to run energy over and into the 7 chakras. We finish with a 6th level uplift (filling up the 6th level of your field), and a 7th level close (strengthening the boundary on the 7th level of your field). Chelation charges, clears and balances your aura in a general way. It works on the first to fourth levels of the field. To do work on levels 5, 6 and 7, more powerful techniques are needed. We'll get to those when I cover year 3. There are 4 departments at the BBSH: Healing Science I learned the hands on healing techniques that I will be sharing with you in this blog series. I also got tested on them to make sure I was competent. I wasn't allowed to graduate to the next year of study if I didn't pass! Professional Practice I learned ethics, boundaries, documenting healings, and attended special lectures with medical doctors who specialized in different areas as well as other specialists. We talked a lot about integrative medicine and how Energy Healing can work together with conventional medicine. Creative Arts I learned to be in the flow. I learned about the pulse of life and how to ride it! I played with creative energy to allow it to flow through me and animate me so my healings could be dynamic and alive, not rigid techniques. Ecstatic dance was my favourite exercise! Awakening Here I learned to do my own personal process work. I got to examine my own mask, defense, lower self, higher self, wound and divine essence. I learned to deeply embody the truth that you can't take someone somewhere you have never been...and that if I don't do my own personal work, it limits me as a healer and can get in the way of clarity. Stay tuned for next week's post when I will talk about Spine Cleaning. Read last weeks post which lists all 18 Healing Techniques I will speak about in this blog series. Would you like to experience a Chelation Healing with Shelley? Book a Chelation with Shelley from August 14-19 for $125 rather than $150/hr. I'll apply the $25 discount when we see each other for your appointment!