I will face my "no", my unconscious Lower Self, and embark upon both the Hero's journey of ascent, and the Heroine's journey of descent...dragon slaying and all. During year 2 of BBSH, we learned to work on only 4th level of the Auric Field. The Fourth Level of your Aura, what Barbara calls the ASTRAL LEVEL is all about RELATIONSHIP. The fourth level is an unstructured level of the field, with coloured blobs of energy consciousness flowing or stagnating according to our feelings in relationship with others. Barbara likened it more to "bioplasma", with a thicker consistency than the clouds of colour on the 2nd Level. When that bioplasma gets heavy, clogged or blocked, it becomes more likeauric mucous. Mad at someone, but letting it flow (without blasting them off the planet please)? Bright red. Mad at someone, but repressing it? Dark stagnant red that is clogging up your aura and may eventually make you sick if you continue this as a pattern of relating. Bad News for Pot Smokers Sorry folks, but smoking pot puts a lot of mucous in the fourth level of your field. This is effective, as it dampens things you may not want to feel, and it can also animate some of the astral energy here, which is a fun experience. But all that mucous also attracts astral beings to glom onto your energy field. Yep, other consciousness that is of the same vibration as the stickier energy now in your field. Sounds far out, I know, but the 4th Level of the field is also the dimension of shamanic phenomenon, including good or bad spirits which are the realm of expertise of shamanic practitioners who are fully initiated in their ancestral tradition. How we Relate Energeticaly on the 4th Level On the 4th Level, your energy/consciousness begins to extend out beyond your personal boundary to interact with others in 3 different ways: Harmonic Induction: we resonate with others in a harmonious or static manner. When the "vibes" are good, we are drawn to that person. When the "vibes" are bad, we feel repelled. Bioplasmic Streamers: We send streamers or blobs of energy out to interact energetically with others...sometimes in pleasant loving ways, sometimes in harmful negative, hurtful ways. Relational Cords: We create cords of light from our chakras to the same corresponding chakras of others. There are 5 kinds of Relational Cords I will speak about in upcoming posts. Here is a juicy quote about 2nd year process directly from my Sophomore workbook, written by the dean of that year, Dean Ramsden: "Relationship is often based on unfinished business with our parents (transference), with ourselves (shadow), with others (mask, defense, main belief and image, lower self) with non-ordinary beings or objects (astral) or from past lives (Lifehood work). Relationship can also invite us into new levels of being and fulfillment. We can learn to co-create with others." Now learning to resonate each of the 7 levels of the Aura, and work specifically on the 4th, here are the 2nd year Healing Techniques I will speak about in the next series of posts: Hold States of Being (Trust/Love/Wisdom) Remove Mucous from the 4th Level Remove Astral Object or Being from the 4th Level (Past)Lifehood Healing Relational Cord Healings You can get a pretty good impression of the territory we covered from the Year 2 reading list: Hands of Light by Barbara Brennan Light Emerging by Barbara Brennan Fear No Evil: the Pathwork of Transforming the Lower Self Meeting the Shadow: the Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature How to Be an Adult The Artists Way The Ethics of Caring Focusing The Dark Goddess These are just some of the basics of the amazing things going on on the 4th Level of your Aura! I could talk for a long time about how important positive loving exchanges in relationships are to our health and how they all play out on this level of your being. This is why we spent an entire year on just this level learning to work on ourselves, and do healing work with others. Would you like to experience healing work on the 4th level of your Aura, the Astral Body? Book a 1-hour Energy healing treatment with Shelley.