Toronto, May 19-22 Well, I haven't been as diligent about my travel stories this Summer as I had hoped! Here it is July, and I'm just reporting in now! That's the way it is when you are moving around from place to place enjoying the sights, sounds, people, and experiences. For four days in May, I travelled by train to Toronto to take another module of training in Craniosacral Therapy with the Upledger Institute. The training was called Somato Emotional Release II. I took SER I a few years ago in Boston. What a treat to have Chas Perry as our lead teacher, a Ph.D in Psychology, and one of the first teachers of CST who helped develop the CST curriculum with Dr. John Upledger, it's pioneer. Chas has more than 30 years experience, teaches the dolphin assisted Craniosacral Therapy classes in Bermuda, and is one of the lead teachers at the Upledger Institute. Another special treat in our class, besides all the other spectacular and dedicated student/practitioners, were Markus & Amy Koch, husband and wife team. Markus is a former NFL football player for the Washington Redskins 1986 - 1992. As you can imagine, playing defense in pro football is much like being a war vet or a gladiator. Multiple head traumas are common, and it is a very intense lifestyle where showing your emotions is not part of the culture. A player can get very hurt, but be expected to not show any pain or emotion. Markus participated in one of the Upledger Institute’s special trauma programs which are normally done with war veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and have been adapted for professional sports players: "On September 30th the Upledger Foundation, in conjunction with the Ricky Williams Foundation, completed the 2015 Football Players Concussion Intensive Therapy Program and Research Study. This year's program treated seven former professional football players, two of whom were repeats from the 2014 study….Besides positive documented quantitative changes shown in the tests, all of the former players reported experiencing significant life-changing value, benefits and insight through receiving treatment, and participating in the dialogues of shared experiences." He shared with us many of his experiences as a pro athlete, as well as the life-changing benefits of receiving CST and SER treatments. Imagine being treated by a 6’7” man with hands the size of plates! I have to say, Markus had an amazing philosopher’s intellect and one of the most compassionate and subtle presences I have experienced among fellow practitioners. Read Markus’ testimonial about his participation in the Football Players Concussion Intensive In SER class we were always in teams of 3, which meant 2 practitioners working on one client. Having 2 practitioners working is so powerful and supports the client to unwind even more deeply. I find it is truly at this level that CST & SER strut their stuff and show how incredibly able our bodies are to heal if only supported in the way they need. Stay tuned for 4 hands treatments on offer through True Nature Healing in the future. Of course 1-1 treatments are also delicious and powerful...and more affordable. For those who are ready to go a step deeper and work on more than just the physical level with CST, SER allows you to really resolve the “issues in your tissues”. Don’t let the name Somato Emotional Release fool you though. Yes, sometimes emotions will arise to be un-blocked and cleared out of the cellular holding. But sessions are not always tear-jerkers. The opportunity to dialogue with your “inner physician” or “inner wisdom” and gain amazing guidance directly from your own body wisdom is really awe-inspiring. More than ‘correcting’ or ‘fixing’ or ‘adjusting’ your body, we truly support deep healing resolution in the way your body wants and knows to do it. Your body and inner wisdom lead the treatment, and I as practitioner, listen, facilitate and follow your lead! If you have been looking for a way to truly unravel the layers of injury or pain and strain in your body, that allows you to participate in and guide the healing process, SER will give you the entryway you need. If you don't enjoy treatment modalities that leave you feeling poked and prodded, or where you feel like techniques are being forced on or applied to your body, CST & SER facilitation respects your boundaries. The touch I use is non-invasive...and yet miraculously gets in even deeper than more active touch can. We can access all the way down to the membranes that surround your brain and spinal cord, and deep into your organs. Would you like to experience Somato Emotional Release? Next appointments available with Shelley:
Thursday July 21-1:00 Friday July 22-11:30/1:00 Saturday July 23-noon/1:30/3:30Thursday July 28-1:00/3:00 Friday July 29-11:30/1:00/3:00/4:30 Saturday July 30-noon/1:30/3:30 Ready to experience Somato Emotional Release? Let your body be your physician and guide us to the smartest way to release the tensions & pain being held in your body. Appointments in Unification Work, Incoming Soul Work, and Plant Spirit Medicine, Craniosacral Therapy also available. Request an appointment with Shelley Want to ask more questions and see if Craniosacral Therapy and Somato Emotional Release can help with your concerns? Book a free 15 minute chat with Shelley. |