You are a beautiful being of light. I know...don't always feel like it, right? Seen from the perspective of the multiple dimensions of your Energy, your Divine Essence, which Barbara Brennan called your Core Star, upwells from your centre, and the centre of each cell as eternal light. Then it percolates down through your Hara, or Dimension of Intention, and then through the 7 layers of your Aura.
Your Core Star light begins to upwell to the levels of your Aura. There is ecstasy and expansion. Your essence flows from your Core. The light you have always been begins to fill you back up. Your Core Star light expands through your 7th, 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd & 1st levels of your Aura, and into your physical body and cells. Would you like to experience an AURA HEALING FROM CORE STAR? Book a 1-hour True Nature Healing treatment with Shelley. Stick around for next post when I will talk about how I HOLD the STATES of BEING: LOVE/TRUST/WISDOM. Read the first post which lists all 18 Healing Techniques I will speak about in this blog series. Read last weeks post about the 7th Level Close called:STRENGTHENING THE PROTECTIVE BOUNDARY OF YOUR AURA Do you know one or two people who struggle with feeling like they pick up others energy or emotions? Share this article with a friend. Or encourage them to subscribe to the weekly post by forwarding them this link: The 3 chapter FREE workbook will give them many, many ways to begin to strengthen their own energy field.