So I just did a liver flush this weekend. Ew...not the most fun...but...sometimes very necessary to keep the physical vitality humming closer to its full potential.
Keeping the first layer of your Aura-your Etheric Body- vital and energized requires a lot of self-care in the areas of diet, exercise, nutrition and bodywork. (Want to see how you are doing on this level? Get your Free Aura Checklist here.) If you dare to do the liver flush, here is the book that guided me: The Liver and Gall Bladder Miracle Cleanse by Andreas Moritz. Not a bad idea to to it under the supervision of a Naturopath. As I was reading through the book the morning after my flush, I came across an exercise the author suggested for healing childhood wounds where painful emotional residue still resides. In your Auric field, this residue lodges predominantly on the second level of your field: your Emotional Body. It is the layer of your feelings about yourself. In BBSH talk (Barbara Brennan School of Healing, where I was trained), we call this residue a “frozen psychic time conglomerate.” What?!! A frozen psychic time conglomerate in your energy field is:
Here is the “how-to” Andreas suggested for healing emotional blocks, and my example of how fun it actually was to try it: “Transfer your mind back to a beautiful period in your early childhood, perhaps when you were three years old. Remember how very free and joyful you were. You had no preconceived notions of what was right or wrong, good or bad, beautiful or ugly. See yourself interacting with other people with wonder, total ease, and innocent openness. You're interested in all there is, and you feel safe, nourished, and loved. Now go forward in time to a situation in your life where you no longer felt this way, where you felt a lack of love or were ignored, rebuked, criticized, or abused. Notice the contraction and coldness in your heart. Once again go back to the innocent spirit of your child like nature and bring it into that situation that caused you so much pain. Fill yourself with that three-year-old innocence and untainted joy, and radiate it all around you. See it filling everyone with that same joyful radiance. Now move to another event in your life that caused you unhappiness, and repeat this process. Go through every difficulty or negative experience in your life, and heal it with your three-year-old joyful self.” Ok, at first, I was like, “nah….” I was not in the mood to do inner work, and not convinced it would be so effective. (Um...even though I do this type of regression and resolution work all the time with all of you in healing sessions!) So I kept trying to read my book...but my inner child was already alive in my body. She was perfectly ready to do some work! I put down the book and tuned into my physical sensations. My three-year old was generating a feeling of wonder that felt light and bubbly in my tummy. I felt her as sensation in my body, then I felt emotional elation. Next an image of her appeared. I spent a few moments with that 'wonderment me' and felt how she experienced the world. It was fun! She was positive, cheeky, and full of life. I began to search around for the unpleasant emotional experiences. Well...there was that feeling in my liver which was still working away on cleansing itself: heavy, dark, burdened. How did all that get there in the first place? As I focused on those sensations, I felt the ways I had gotten swamped by my parents’ difficult emotions, how I had taken some of that in and how it had mistakenly become about feeling bad about myself; the child consciousness frequently blames itself for the pain it experiences. This was something I had done more specific inner work on a few weeks ago. My vivacious inner child grabbed the swamped child by the hand and took her for a romp outside. I viewed this as an image that swept in quickly and the feeling of the heavier consciousness being uplifted by the wonder. Things moved very quickly. Next I was shown a scene from grade 6, where I was being bullied by some of my female classmates. We were on a school outing at an indoor skating rink, and I was up in the bleachers, hiding and crying. Even the bus ride to the rink had been painful, as the girls whispered about me and ostracized me in a space where I could not escape. These are literal scenes that actually happened. It was a really miserable time. My inner child came and sat next to the older me on the benches. We sat for just a moment as the two parts of me attuned to each other. The younger me said, “It’s kinda dark and gloomy in here, let’s go outside!” Yes, the lighting indoors and back in the bleachers was about as dim as my mood. She swept me outside into the sunlight and again showed me how joyful and playful things can be. The younger me decided she didn’t want to play with those girls filled with their heavy burden that was making them act out. She decided we should go find playmates that were more fun. The scene rapidly shifted to a resonant one, on a school bus. (So you can see how the conglomerate works, once you tap in, you get led through similarly themed experiences that are layered together.) It was another school trip, grade 8. I remember this trip well. There was a boy in my grade named Craig Lyons that I liked. He liked me too. He was trying to connect with me on this bus trip by asking to share my music cassette tapes I was listening to on my walk-man. (Yes, I am an ‘80’s child.) I had terrible acne at the time and was shy with low self-esteem. All that bullying in grade 6 didn’t help much. My exuberant, confident three-year-old walked up to Craig and said, “Hey, we should hang out! Let’s go have fun! We are the same kind of person: outdoorsy, sensitive, artistic, and spiritual,” and off she took the three of us on an adventure! Next she took me to my grade 8 graduation later that year. I was the valedictorian, all dolled up in what I thought was a great look: my long hair was done up in combs, and I had a strapless turquoise dress on. It was cute, attempting to be sexy, but I was feeling pretty self-conscious in it, and a little too exposed I think. Craig and I were still crushing on each other, but both still too shy to do anything about it. My valedictorian speech was great, but I spent a long painful graduation dance party glued to the wall across the room from Craig, who was wall-flowering on the other side. Neither of us managed to get up the courage to dance that night. Well, little miss Wonderment was up for rewriting all of that! She went up to my valedictorian self and took down my hair. Then she said, “You don’t look that comfortable in that dress. Let’s try something easier.” She tried a few dresses on I had actually owned through the years, none to her satisfaction, and then dressed me in the kind of thing I would wear now-cotton, flowing, very comfortable, but graceful. She grabbed Craig and I and got us up on the dance floor, smiling and enjoying ourselves. I felt a lift in my heart and the joy spreading through my body. Yes, this is what I had wanted; delight, ease, confidence, no need to fear. She decided that wasn’t good enough, that we needed to get away from the peer pressure of the school dance, and whisked us off to an olive grove in Greece! (I’ve never actually been to Greece.) There we were on a lovely patio overlooking orchards and cyprus trees, the air warm, and we danced and sat and ate, and then lay down next to each other under the stars. By this scene, both Craig and I had aged to maybe our 20’s or 30’s. The consciousness was maturing as the healing took place. When we thaw the frozen conglomerate, the energy that is stuck at that age can grow up and evolve as it should have. I was feeling how I longed to feel. Safe with the masculine, at ease, delighted, romanced, light, no pressure. What fun! My doubting self asked, "Can I really change it to something that never even happened?" My exuberant self said, “Yes! Why not! What is important is that the inner image changes to create a positive experience. If all the healing work had been done at the earlier ages, probably by grade 8, you would have had the positive self-image and courage to do just that, and your relationship with Craig could have evolved in a similar direction.” Here is what the author says about the effectiveness of this simple piece of inner work: “This exercise is so effective because, in reality, there is no linear time. Time is merely a concept we use to separate events that have already happened, are occurring right now, or may unfold sometime in the future. Thus, in truth, past events have just as powerful and effect on us today as they had then. For this reason, there is so much fear, tension, stress, anger, conflict, and violence in our world. Most people cannot let go of their past experiences and, therefore, recreate similar scenarios to deal with them in one way or another. However, by undoing their negative impact through this simple exercise of self-empowerment, you can literally change your past, and thereby your present and future realities.” This agrees completely with what I was taught at the BBSH and in the Pathwork. I encourage you to take the time to try this out. You might even make it regular part of your self-care. Leave me a comment below to share how it goes, and have a good time with your radiant inner child! Would you like even more illumination on this subject? Here is a Pathwork lecture titled: The Compulsion to Re-create and Overcome Childhood Wounds. |